EVP Narratives

Each interaction with current or potential colleagues is a chance for us to tell our story, share who we are as an employer, describe the great work we do, and explain what employees can expect from us.

Summary points:

Each interaction with current or potential colleagues is a chance for us to tell our story, share who we are as an employer, describe the great work we do, and explain what employees can expect from us.

To help us understand how to do that coherently, we defined the EVP to be the strategic foundation based on research and insights from external and internal sources, but it is not necessarily meant to be described in this form to prospective talent.

That is where the EVP Narratives comes in. They provides official language to use on important and relevant channels to describe our EVP in a more natural way. The Narratives cover key elements of the EVP and should help frame how you and your colleagues locally communicate to both employees and external talent.

Please use the Narratives in the most appropriate channels based on your Employer Brand communication priorities, and use the call to action to link talent to further relevant information like the Careers page or social media.